Blog Roundup: Governments Go Digital
Submitted by Rick Saia on
Governments are not focused on making a profit, but taxpayers depend on an array of government services at all levels: municipal, state and federal.
So, like the private sector, many are investing in digital transformation projects to make it easier to access those services. How can government execute digital transformation projects, and get better at them? Here's a roundup of four blog posts from within the channel that address digital transformation issues in the public sector.
DLT SOLUTIONS: The role of digital experience monitoring
What is it like to interact with a federal government agency? This post looks at a new way to understand each user's online experience, and use it to effect change in the information infrastructure to improve that experience.
DXC TECHNOLOGY: What 21st-century digital leaders do well
Despite the limitations imposed by law, regulation and budget, most government leaders want to be digital leaders, this post contends, and offers six principles that define digital leadership.
UNISYS: Seven pillars of digital government success
Casey Coleman lays out the foundation for a successful digital government project, and offers an example of how a large U.S. city successfully utilized a cloud-based customer relationship management project to transform delivery of a critical service.
LOGICALIS: Using technology to transform public meetings
Late last year, Adam Petrovsky outlined four ways technology can transform public meetings, which would – for starters – avoid congestion in meeting rooms at a city or town hall.