50 Companies On The Forefront Of The Software-Defined Data Center
Submitted by Joseph F. Kovar on
(NOTE: This story was originally posted to CRN.com March 13.)
Piecing Together The New-Age Data Center
Exploring opportunities in software-defined data center solutions?
The idea of the software-defined data center, which replaces proprietary hardware-based server, storage, networking and other equipment with the equivalent software functionality running on commodity servers, has been building for a couple years. After all, who wouldn't want to replace expensive, proprietary hardware with software-driven technology that is centrally managed, is adaptable to changing needs, can be updated and patched automatically, and can even be paid for as a service.
CRN assembled this list of 50 companies on the forefront of developing the software-defined data center. Actually, 49 companies, with VMware included separately from Dell EMC given its own prominence in this industry. Prepare to be amazed.