Head-To-Head IoT Platforms: Microsoft Azure's Vs. Amazon Web Services'

Microsoft Azure IoT Hub: Pricing

While Microsoft's pricing model revolves around to paying for the IoT Hub unit related to the number of devices and messages per day, AWS IoT's pricing model charges for the traffic of messages published from devices and delivered to devices.

Microsoft's Azure IoT Hub offers three editions based on the total amount of data companies will generate: S1, which costs $50 per month, enables up to 400,000 messages a day per unit, while S2, which is $500 per month, enables up to 6 million messages a day per unit. The S3 plan enables up to 300 million messages a day per unit and costs $5,000 per unit. All three pricing plans enable a message meter of 4 KB.

Microsoft also offers a free trial tier allowing companies to transmit a total of 8,000 messages a day, with a message meter of 0.5 KB.