SWC's Ric Opal On Bringing Digital Transformation To The Midmarket
Submitted by Rick Saia on
Looking at the midmarket specifically, is this a segment that really needs a solution provider's help because they don’t have enough resources that a large company might?
When you think about the midmarket, [maybe] you need a data scientist to pull your idea off. Maybe it's not a good idea. Maybe your culture is one that fosters an idea, where you're not mired in politics …. The problem is you don’t need a full-time data scientist. …. You have to time slice all of this stuff to germinate [and to] care and feed your idea out the door. So, I think the luxury of the large firm is they may have the resources - how effective they use it or not, I don’t know - but the problem for the midmarket is they know what they want to do, they have an idea. They don’t know how to get started, [yet] they definitely don’t need that resource 52 weeks a year. [They're saying,] "I need a piece of pie; I don’t want the whole pie."