Getting The Sales Team On Board To Push More Cloud Services

What is the percentage sales reps might make off one cloud sale?

VICINANZA: It really depends on the partner and they all have different approaches to how they want to pay the sales rep. What we do is if a commission percentage seems low to the sales rep working for one of our partners, we have an incentive that we offer to complement their incentive program they get from their own employers.  One is called the "big deal" incentive where we define certain thresholds and as the sales rep hits those thresholds in their deals, we send them a gift card for a certain amount of money.

One of the benchmarks I do is I consider the total payout to be 150 percent of that monthly number. So if someone bills a contract for $5,000, you would look at a total commission of $7,500. Partners could pay the salesperson a percentage up front, and then pay the rest as a residual over the length of the contract. [The provider] might earn a commission of 50 percent of that monthly contract on the day it bills, and then every month pay another 5 percent for next 20 months, or 3 percent for the life of the contract. There are different ways to make that payment.