Tech Execs: Channel Needs More Cloud Education
Submitted by Kyle Alspach on
Steve Terp, Concerto Cloud Services
For us [education is] always at the top. The partner has to believe this [is] a priority and that it's going to change the way they do business. If we can start there, then that can trickle down. Sometimes we'll sign a partner, and the partner, they'll just move really slow. I joke with our channel managers, I say you are priority five for this guy right now, you're never going to get to priority two or three. So we've got to get to those leaders, and they've got to decide in order to compete, and in order to maintain their customer relationships, to grow the customer relationships, to get recurring revenue--they have to change things. That means paying more attention to it, that means allowing us to go through all the enablement steps in the partner care