What Are The Biggest IoT Opps For The Channel? Here Are 3 Views
Submitted by Lindsey O'Donnell on
Can you give a specific use case where your partner base could make money bringing your IoT products to market?
Bradicich: I think right now there's companies, and I'll pick one, a partner of ours Tech Mahindra, that is an SI and a channel partner, and they have expertise in IT and OT, but they don't necessarily, and I'm generalizing to make a point, work together. Now's the time. They can leverage that asset together. We are selling tremendous amounts of servers into clouds that are taking on IoT data. So in many ways, this is a business-as-usual approach. We literally don't have to invent new security, we don't have to invent new opportunities. We just have to get the correct assets together to make that investment.