Vendors Forecast Big IoT Opportunities For The Channel

Intel's Steen Graham

I think from our perspective, it's making sure we harden those go-to-market offerings, so we can really go to market with repeatability and scale. Then a couple other things that I characterize coming off our Intel developer event recently - It's critical that we enlist developers on our platforms, get them time to market. Where a lot of the innovation is happening, it's happening at that edge computing capability, getting the right development kits that allow people to onboard, and sensors, different types of connectivity protocols, and get that first prototype to market. Across the channel, I really view it as you've got a set of IoT equipment builders, IoT technology partners, which is a broad breadth of players and solution providers. Then you've got to be aware of the consortiums and the standards bodies right now, because this is still emerging. It's absolutely critical to understand what consortiums and standards bodies are doing. Whether it's Fog or whether it's the Open Connectivity Foundation or the Industrial Internet Consortium, understanding where you can learn from the test beds to help your IoT deployment happen faster, understanding how if you're having trouble getting the right radio technologies to connect to each other, understanding the development kits that can solve those problems.